Check out more DRAMATIC facelift results that look natural and seamless here: https://youtu.be/nVWtBr7cPs8
Have you ever wondered how Dr. Karam plans his Vertical Restore facelift procedures? Today, Dr. Karam is showing you step-by-step how he analyzes every patient-case, and how he makes decisions about what procedures to perform during the Vertical Restore facial rejuvenation. Keep in mind that every patient is going to have a slightly different analysis, but Dr. Karam is showing you what he sees and how he thinks about surgery before ever going into surgery!
– Facial Rejuvenation Mistakes In your 50s – https://youtu.be/FUWJR72eIPI
– Facelift recovery day by day: What’s normal, what’s not! – https://youtu.be/6mFdhv3uU7o
– 20 Most Damaging Facial Rejuvenation Mistakes (Stop these NOW to save your skin!) – https://youtu.be/sALKVonajB0
– 3 Facial Procedures that will actually AGE you and make you look older! – https://youtu.be/gNH6DjhZuIQ
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Dr. Amir Karam
00:00 Planning & Prepping Patient Facelifts
01:35 Patient Case Details
02:45 Laxity in an Aging Face
05:45 Areas that Experience Volume Loss
07:02 How to Address These Facial Aging Changes
08:00 What is Happening with the Neck Angle
08:43 What Surgical Procedures Dr. Karam Will Perform
10:11 Vertical Restore Incisions
11:30 Vertical Restore Facelift Before & After
15:52 Facelift Results & Overview
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Caramel Valley Aesthetics: 11943 El Camino Real, Suite 100, San Diego, California 92130 | 858.259.3223