In this video, I share my ongoing journey of battling acne scars, which persist even after completing my Accutane treatment. While Accutane helped clear up my skin, it also left behind these stubborn reminders that have affected my self-confidence.
Today, I took the first step in addressing these scars by starting my acne scar removal treatment with fractal laser and subcision. Already, I’ve noticed some reduction in the appearance of my scars, but I know that it will take a few weeks to see even better results. In about a month, I have another checkup scheduled with my dermatologist to assess how my skin has reacted to the treatment.
This video is a raw and authentic look at my journey to reclaiming my skin’s health and my confidence. I hope it serves as a source of inspiration for anyone else struggling with acne scars, showing that there are options available to help improve the appearance of these scars. Stay tuned for updates on my progress and the final results of my treatment journey. Scar removal and Acne Scar Removal.
#acne #accutane #scarremoval