Whittier Program Closes the Life Expectancy Gap in Minority and Low-Income Communities

Whittier Program Closes the Life Expectancy Gap in Minority and Low-Income Communities

June 29, 2023 Editor 0

Whittier Program Closes the Life Expectancy Gap in Minority and Low-Income CommunitiesWhittier Program Closes the Life Expectancy Gap in Minority and Low-Income Communities

In 2011, Whittier Street Health Center raised awareness about the 33-year gap in life expectancy for those living in Roxbury (59.5 years) compared to those living in the Back Bay (92 years), a gentrified neighborhood less than 2 miles from Roxbury. Whittier focused on the “Tale of the Two Cities” and partnered with its patients, community residents and leaders, corporations and public sector partners to raise awareness and to develop programs to close the life expectancy gap. Whittier launched its Boston Health Equity Program in 2012, a system of care for people with chronic illnesses and those at risk that fully integrates innovative community outreach, linkage to social services, wellness support and care coordination with a focus on eliminating health disparities and their associated costs. 

A little over a decade later, working with its patients and partners, Whittier has made large strides in improving life expectancy in its service areas by 10 years. The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) released a report on May 11, 2023, and there is a 23-year life expectancy gap between residents in Roxbury and the Back Bay.

On June 21, 2023, Whittier Street Health Center co-hosted a session in partnership with the Boston Public Health Commission and the CHNA-CHIP Collaborative.

The open discussion, led by the Commissioner of the City of Boston’s Health Department Dr. Bisola Ojikutu and Whittier’s President & CEO Frederica M. Williams, addressed the need for continued and expanded community outreach and education to provide the necessary and comprehensive range of treatment and prevention services to low-income minority and immigrant populations.

Community members attending the event were connected to health resources offered by the City of Boston, including the Boston Health Start Initiative (BHSI), which provides direct support to pregnant and parenting women, children, and families of color. Whittier Street Health Center is a designated BHSI site.

“The recent Health of Boston reports shows that the life expectancy gap of Roxbury residents has shown a slight improvement, but there remains a gap of 23 years when compared to the residents in Back Bay,” said Frederica M. Williams, president and CEO of Whittier Street Health Center. “We need to continue our efforts to address the barriers to good health, such as housing, food and economic insecurity while empowering our residents to engage in lifestyle changes and behaviors that will improve their health and quality of life. Having access to prevention, screening and treatment in addition to community investments in the social determinants of health can lead to better health outcomes. We are grateful to all who have supported our Boston Health Equity Program, which was launched in 2012, and look forward to expanding our health equity partnerships so we can continue to close the 23-year life expectancy gap.”

About Whittier Street Health Center
Whittier Street Health Center is an independently licensed community healthcare center with a mission to serve as a center of excellence that provides high-quality and accessible healthcare and social services that achieve health equity, social justice and the economic well-being of its diverse populations. 

Contact Information:

Frederica Williams

President & CEO

[email protected]


Original Source:

Whittier Program Closes the Life Expectancy Gap in Minority and Low-Income Communities

TravelNurseSource Publishes a Data-Driven Report Offering an Inside Look Into Travel Nurse Agency Performance

TravelNurseSource Publishes a Data-Driven Report Offering an Inside Look Into Travel Nurse Agency Performance

June 29, 2023 Editor 0

TravelNurseSource Publishes a Data-Driven Report Offering an Inside Look Into Travel Nurse Agency PerformanceTravelNurseSource Publishes a Data-Driven Report Offering an Inside Look Into Travel Nurse Agency Performance50% of travel nurse agencies are not meeting their placement goals. TravelNurseSource’s latest report discusses how this can change.

TravelNurseSource, an industry-centered recruitment brand for the travel nursing industry, has published a data-driven white paper detailing the current state of travel nurse recruitment and offering actionable solutions to increase recruitment objectives.

Based on survey results from travel nurse agencies across the country, the white paper delivers shocking data – over half of agencies are underperforming. 

According to the agencies surveyed, the largest challenge in meeting recruitment objectives involves the quality of candidates with 38.5% of agencies reporting that unqualified applicants are the top recruitment challenge. 

This data pairs with important insights regarding candidate sourcing and outreach. According to the agencies surveyed, niche job boards and social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn are the top channels for recruitment efforts, with 46.2% of agencies believing that social recruitment will be a top priority throughout the rest of 2023. 

With the industry becoming increasingly competitive, it is more important than ever for agencies to assess their recruitment processes and make changes accordingly. 

TravelNurseSource offers a list of key recommendations for agencies that can help them reach their recruitment goals – from improving job post quality to focusing on the right KPIs and beyond. 

“Quality versus quantity of inbound candidates has always been a delicate balance in the travel nursing industry,” said VP of Advertising, Charles Nevery. “Candidate quality is and always has been a top priority for TravelNurseSource. All of our strategic marketing decisions continue to be flexible, bringing in the best candidates for each of our clients.”

View the entire report at TravelNurseSource.com/advertise.

TravelNurseSource is a travel nursing recruitment platform owned by TrackFive that helps agencies find the right candidates for their open positions. Their expertise in the travel nursing recruitment industry offers a competitive advantage to agencies looking to surpass their recruitment objectives. Visit TravelNurseSource.com for more information.

Contact Information:

Oliver Feakins


[email protected]


Original Source:

TravelNurseSource Publishes a Data-Driven Report Offering an Inside Look Into Travel Nurse Agency Performance