Meet Plastic Surgeon Scott Hollenbeck, MD

Meet Plastic Surgeon Scott Hollenbeck, MD

Scott Hollenbeck, MD, is a plastic surgeon who specializes in reconstructive surgery in cancer and trauma patients.
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Hi, I’m Scott Hollenbeck and I’m a plastic surgeon here at UVA, and I’m the chair of the Department of Plastic Surgery.
I do a lot of reconstructive surgery, primarily cancer reconstruction, but also trauma reconstruction. Most of my patients have had some type of event happen, whether it be trauma, but most commonly, they’ve been given a diagnosis of cancer, have gone through the cancer treatment, and now are looking to have a restorative procedure to help them recover and move forward following that cancer treatment.
I’m passionate about patient care. That’s what gets me up in the morning. That’s what brings me into work. And the thing I enjoy most about patient care is being able to be involved in a patient’s life in a way that you couldn’t otherwise, to help them through a situation that they’re in and help them recover from that. And not just surgically, but also help them recover emotionally through supportive efforts as a physician.
I’ve found the UVA experience to really be patient centered. From the time a patient calls in to schedule an appointment, to the time that they come in and see their care team to get scheduled for their surgical procedure or treatment, it’s really all centered towards the patient experience, and I think that’s really important when caring for patients, especially plastic surgery patients who are often recovering from a difficult situation and a difficult event.