Female patient concerned about Melasma pigmentation on cheek area. Worsening pigmentation after summer.
Patient treated by Newcastle Cosmetic Doctor using the Fotona Starwalker laser.
Patient describes laser treatment as comfortable with no downtime. Doctor discussed that multiple laser treatments are required for removal of melasma pigmentation.
Dr Bart Scanlon is a cosmetic doctor.
Newcastle Cosmetic Doctor,
It is located in Broadmedow.
New South Wales, Australia.
Dr Bart Scanlon enjoys cosmetic injectable treatments and likes the range of patients he gets to meet and treat. Newcastle Cosmetic Doctor’s most common procedures include anti-wrinkle treatments, dermal filler treatments, PDO threads, skin laser treatments, face treatments and other types of cosmetic injectables.
Website: https://www.newcastlecosmeticdoctor.com.au
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newcastle_cosmetic_doctor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newcastlecosmeticdoctor
Gmail account: [email protected]
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#dermalfillers #cosmetictreatment #antiwrinkle #cosmeticdoctor #beforeandafter #dermal #face #treatment #chin #dermal #filler #jaw #jawline #lowerface #botox #botoxtreatment
Yours kindly,
Dr Bart Scanlon
Newcastle Cosmetic Doctor
68 Belford street, Broadmeadow 2292
New South Wales, Australia