Selena Gomez Reacts To Cara Delevingne’s Serious Breakdown

Selena Gomez Reacts To Cara Delevingne’s Serious Breakdown

Celebrity - Show Biz clinic originally published at Celebrity - Show Biz clinic

Selena Gomez Reacts To Cara Delevingne’s Serious Breakdown

Selena Gomez Reacts To Cara Delevingne’s Serious Breakdown

Cara Delevingne’s friends have reportedly been very worried about her serious breakdown, and one of the friends that popped up a lot after her disturbing trend was Selena Gomez. But how did Selena really react to Cara’s serious breakdown?

When Cara started making headlines because of her substance use and mental health issues, a lot of people on social media started calling on her friends like Selena to help her with people even posting comments like, “Selena Gomez I thought Cara Delevingne was your friend. She looks like she is struggling. Maybe offer help. Just saying if she was my friend I’d find help. I go to the ends of the earth for my family and friends.”

#selenagomez #caradelevingne

Celebrity - Show Biz clinic originally published at Celebrity - Show Biz clinic